To blog or not to blog:
Is it a diary? A log?
Musings I can't sell?
Alas, a bottomless well ...
Cynical ole me,
a chance to chat with thee,
loyal reader from the store,
online in search of more.
My privilege you drop by
to read what I let fly,
on bus, on train, in bed,
the humdrum in my head.
Writer behind the scenes,
free-thinking in his jeans,
far from editor's gaze,
recounting average days.
But daily I am dull,
weekly sometimes null,
monthly an event
worthy of ink spent.
What should I jot here?
My triumph and my tear?
A writer's gambled life?
The patience of my wife?
Pyjamas for a year,
then the spotlight near.
Shelf-life all too brief,
her patience turns to grief.
The Blog a safety valve,
impatient authors' salve,
published in a flash,
even if it's trash!
I suppose it is an ad
for other projects on my pad,
less creative capers
in magazines and papers.
While here I please myself,
it may not make your shelf,
nor will I get paid
for writer's lemonade.
Are words wasted here?
Sometimes yes, I fear,
when all I want to do
is pen book number two.
Pyjamas on once more,
'Do Not Disturb' on door,
paper strewn on floor,
wife a tad unsure.
I sip a cup of tea
when words mutiny,
and when my mind's in fog
I free it with a blog.
I've heard it said about,
that Blog 'adds nowt to owt',
but maybe it is wise
that writers exercise.
A blog is writer's stretch,
few dollars does it fetch,
but where else can one scribble,
cheerful, harmless dribble?