Reader Reviews of Head Over Heel and Siesta Italiana
Louise Olivato wrote:
I just had to somehow get hold of you to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed your book. Words cannot describe the pleasure I experienced reading your book. I live and work in the UK as a teacher after immigrating from SA three years ago. We have just been on holiday to Italy and I purchased your book about 2mths ago after reading the book review in a travel mag. I savoured it for my holiday (on many occassions I almost sucumbed to temptation). I was a good girl and waited for my holiday. By the time I got to the second chapter I was reading the book aloud so that my husband could share the pleasure with me. Thank you for an absolutely fab book!
Michelle Sterry wrote:
I am planning to move to Italy, so when I saw your book in a Dublin bookshop, written by a fellow Australian ... I just had to purchase it. I have to say I am a bit of sucker for travel books and the quality is very variable. Yours would have to be one of the best books I have read. You have achieved that delicate balance of being extremely fond of Italy and also questioning but you are never disrespectful and you give the reader something to think about. Regarding the Ruth Orkin picture: I don't know if this is an urban myth, but I was told she married one of the boys on the Vespa, a prince no less. My favourite line in the book is where you describe everyone in the queue at the hospital as sea gulls waiting for a chip. Good luck and I await you next instalment.
Nicole Maloney wrote:
Just wanted you to know that I'm absolutely LOVING the book. It has really engaged me. I may have to read it through again as soon as I've finished it. Your prose and descriptions let me see your experiences so clearly. You're an excellent travel writer, combining the sights and sounds with the experiences and emotions perfectly. Hope you're working on a sequel! Cheers, Nicole. PS - Thanks for the photos of Freccia on your website, she was exactly as I had pictured.
Indi wrote:
I have just finished HEAD OVER HEEL and absolutely loved it! It has to be the best book set in Italy that I have ever read. I had to send this message. I felt as though I was in Italy! I adored your love story, the descriptions of Southern Italy and the clashing of cultures. Your chapter where you described looking after Franco - ' Professore An unusual Italian' - was so moving ... Thanks so much for a fab book - I will be recommending it to everyone!
Jill Barton wrote:
Absolutely loved 'Head over Heel' - didn't want it to finish, but also wanted to reach the end to see if you and Daniela (with a smile) married. Sincerely hope that you are still together. Hope Valeria is well and coping. Have sailed through the 'Straits of Messina' and journeyed by train from 'toe to heel' to reach Brindisi! I felt I was back there!
Jodi Hartin wrote:
Thank you so much for a fabulous read. I went through many feelings whilst reading your book of joy, tears, and laughter. At times I couldn't put it down. You have a special talent for writing and you made me feel like I was actually there experiencing all those wonderful places of Southern Italy that I one day hope to see. I myself went out with a southern Italian (bello) for a couple of years, so I could relate to the many funny words, expressions, expectations and antics of the southern Italians and their families. I must say I loved your photos but there is not one of Daniela in any of them. I wish you every success with your writing and I hope that you will write another "winner" and entice us even more!
Rosemarie Toynbee wrote:
I am so sad - just finished your very delightful and enlightening book. I cannot tell you how enjoyable it was. Having been a hopless Italophile for ever and always dreaming of the Italian life. Aren't we lucky to have Italia in our worlds and lives. Love to see what your glorious Daniela looks like. What a fantastic young woman. Cannot wait for your next book, Chris. Bouna fortuna to you both, sempre.
Alberto Lozzi wrote:
Last Friday I was wandering through the bookshelves in my local library (in Lancashire) and what did I find? Your book! At first glance what really attracted me was the Fiat 500 on the cover. Your passionate descriptions of my homeland, so vivid, so realistic, left me gobsmacked! You manage to capture every single contradiction of the Italians, and you recount them with precision, hilarity and pace. I would love to speak with you about so many things, but for now consider my email a big compliment for your masterpiece!
Sean Maguire wrote:
Just read HOH on holiday in France. Laughed out loud - lots. Hope the coppers are keeping you on your toes. Thanks for cheering me up so much. Reminded me there is more to life than business. I think I am going to take a trip to the Salento in 2010 - it sounds charming and barking mad at the same time. Hope Signor Api and every one in Andrano are doing great.
Hans Beer wrote:
I have "eaten" your book Siesta Italiana in German, and I want to congratulate you very much for your great writing. It is very charming how you describe your experiences in the south of Italy. I was also very impressed with how you, as a non-euopean, could accept such a different life in a very different environment. Your book is great and I want to thank you for your effort. I wish you all the best for you and your wife in the future. Awaiting your next book ...
Christopher Joe wrote:
I picked up your book a few weeks back at Sydney Airport looking for some in-flight reading. Having just finished it, I'm quite sad actually as I thoroughly enjoyed every page of it! Your book should be up there with all the other travel guides for Italy. It's a wonderful and quirky insight into the lifestyle and culture of your adopted country. I look forward to more books by yourself in the future!
Theresa Ross wrote:
I love reading non-fiction books and have just finished "Head over Heel." I must say I was reluctant to read it as I have been choosing non-fiction memoirs written by women - no bias intended - as I thought I would relate better to female authors. However, I am so glad I did buy and read your book. It was delightful and gave me plenty of laughs when I was ill with the flu.
Susannah Evans wrote:
I have just finished Head Over Heel and felt compelled to write and let you know how much I loved it! I have become addicted to the narrative travel section in the bookshop and can't find anything else that even comes close to yours. Is there anything else in the pipelines??? Thanks for a fantastic, witty and all round great life story.
Simone Campa wrote:
I began to read your book three weeks ago during our vacation on the beach near Otranto. We spent two weeks in our house in Muro Leccese, where my husband was born and his family still live. Your book made me smile the whole time. It was fantastic to read about things which I have known to happen. Although we have never lived in Italy - we live in Switzerland - I felt like I was reading my own stories. During the last 10 years we have had the experiences with the mayor's office, weedings, funerals, festivals with thousands of lights, street vendors etc. Many many thanks for writing this book. I will now give it to all my friends because they always said "Come on Simone, this can not be true," when I was telling them about my experiences in Italy.
Kristen Manning wrote:
I just wanted to drop you a line having finished your book this morning. Congratulations, I loved every minute of it and felt as though I was in Italy the whole time. You had me reaching for the tissues when Freccia died. I got out of bed to give my dogs a hug! Thank you also for providing inspiration: I am a sports journalist with a longing to write travel stories so I am thrilled to find someone who combines the two!
Elizabeth Schoer wrote:
I just finished your book and had to write. I adored every single word, juicy with detail. I loved the weight of it in my hand - it has lots of meat on its bones. Thanks for writing that story. Wish now I had kept that Italian boyfriend! I simply must visit the boot.
Monica wrote:
Ho appena finito il tuo libro che ho adorato dalla prima all'ultima pagina, non solo perchè sono Italiana; non solo perchè sono pugliese; non solo perchè ho un compagno Australiano; non solo perchè abbiamo condiviso due anni in Italia (due dei quali a Milano) ma anche perchè le tue parole mi riconciliano con le mie imperfette origini strappandomi un sorriso ... delle vere e proprie risate tra le lacrime. Grazie Crris!
Sandie McQuade wrote:
I absolutely loved reading Head over Heel. I hope your next book is all about the next episode in your lives. It is almost 'stalkish' to be reading about your life, seeing as you are stiil young and alive. It is strange, but enlightening, to have a non fiction book such as yours. You helped me to visit Italy and its people as I travelled to and from work on the bus. One day I would like to see it for myself, it feels as though a friend has told me all about their home, family and friends. Please let me know when your next book will be published.
Sandra Venola wrote:
I am a tutor in Italian and my class just adored your book. Please, please when is another coming out? You got the Italian situation perfectly and funny. Congratulations Cris Arison with a "H"!
Andrea Cincotta wrote:
Thanks for a fantastic read! I head over in January 2010, not to follow love, just for a challenge and to learn the language of my heritage. Your book inspired me even more, and has brought to my attention some of the many things that will frustrate me! Laughed and cried! Well done. Andrea. (A girl with a boy's name!)
Patty wrote:
Thank you very much for such a fantastic book! You are the reason why I am reading! I loved reading it and you are living my dream! I would like to live in Italy with all its advantages and disadvantages. I really really hope that one day my dream will come true but until then I will enjoy books like yours. Grazie mille e vi mando un abbraccio dalla svizzera.
Kay de Lautour Scott wrote:
Have just finished your book ... expect a rush on it from NZ! Hope you don't mind that I have linked to you in my blog. Best wishes, and thanks for your empathy and honesty, not to mention accuracy, in describing my beloved Italy through Antipodean eyes.
(Click on Kay's blog to read her reviewing the reviewers!)
Garry Sutcliffe wrote:
Just read Head Over Heel and wanted to say how much I enjoyed it. For over 25 years my wife and I have been travelling to Venezia, and now I have a real urge to visit Puglia. I've read many travel books, and yours is now one of my favourites. Hope I don't sound too gushing. All the very best.